Nhân dịp Hội thảo Khoa học Tổn thương thận cấp : Chẩn đoán và điều trị đang tổ chức tại Bệnh viện Chợ Rẫy, Khoa Hồi sức cấp cứu xin giới thiệu một ấn bản của tạp chí Seminar in Dialysis về chuyên đề điều trị thay thế thận liên tục. Trong ấn bản này, các bài nguyên lý cơ bản về lý thuyết và thực hành liên quan đến lọc máu liên tục được viết bởi các chuyên gia đầu ngành trong lĩnh vực CRRT.
Mục lục các bài viết trong ấn bản này:
- Continuous renal replacement therapy principles
Rolando Claure-Del Granado and William R. Clark - Vascular access, membranes and circuit for CRRT
Luis A. Juncos, Kiran Chandrashekar, Nithin Karakala, and Ian Baldwin - Anticoagulation strategies in continuous renal replacement therapy
Matthieu Legrand and Ashita Tolwani - Choosing a CRRT machine and modality
Etienne Macedo and Jorge Cerdá - CRRT prescription and delivery of dose
Javier A. Neyra and Ashita Tolwani - Fluid balance management during continuous renal replacement therapy
John Prowle and Ravindra Mehta - Nutritional assessment and support during continuous renal replacement therapy
Marlies Ostermann, Nuttha Lumlertgul, and Ravindra Mehta - Continuous renal replacement therapy under special conditions like sepsis, burn, cardiac failure, neurotrauma, and liver failure
Andrew Davenport and Patrick M. Honore - Management of dysnatremias with continuous renal replacement therapy
Lenar T. Yessayan, Balazs Szamosfalvi, and Mitchell H. Rosner - Drug dosing considerations in continuous renal replacement therapy
Soo Min Jang and Linda Awdishu - Complications associated with continuous renal replacement therapy
Karthik Kovvuru and Juan C. Q. Velez - Survival and kidney recovery among recipients of continuous renal replacement therapy
Ron Wald and Edward D. Siew - Improving the quality of care for patients requiring continuous renal replacement therapy
Javier A. Neyra and Kianoush Kashani - Organizational and financial aspects of a continuous renal replacement therapy program
Michael J. Connor Jr., Eileen Lischer, and Jorge Cerdá - Acute kidney injury and continuous renal replacement therapy: A nursing perspective for my shift today in the intensive care unit
Ian Baldwin and Theresa Mottes - Kidney support therapy in the pediatric patient: Unique considerations for a unique population
David Askenazi and Rajit K. Basu - Continuous renal replacement therapy in patients treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
David T. Selewski and Keith M. Wille - Continuous renal replacement therapy and extended indications
Claudio Ronco and Thiago Reis - Continuous renal replacement therapy and the COVID pandemic
Jacob S. Stevens, Juan Carlos Q. Velez, and Sumit Mohan - CRRT in developing world
Nattachai Srisawat and Rajasekara Chakravarthi - The future of continuous renal replacement therapy
Emily See, Claudio Ronco, and Rinaldo Bellomo
Link tải : 2021 Seminar in Dialysis – Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy